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What Competitive Advantages Can You Gain by Employing Dedicated Software Development Teams?

Affordability, professionalism, improved capabilities, and many other advantages are major advantages of engaging dedicated software and app development teams. Check out our...

mm Written by Emorphis Technologies · 8 min read >
What Competitive Advantages Can You Gain by Employing Dedicated Software Development Teams


As per the data, software development outsourcing will increase by 70% between 2022 and 2023. Also, it is to be noted that global IT outsourcing revenue is projected to reach US $587.6 billion by 2027.

IT Outsourcing
Source: Statista

So now let's check in detail what is going to trigger it and how you can take advantage of the same.

Some of the major benefits of hiring dedicated software teams are affordable prices, professional commitment, advanced skills, and many more. The research specified that cost reduction is one of the main reasons for outsourcing. A huge number of organizations feel the pressure of talent shortages or other issues. Hence, companies have realized that outsourcing can solve this issue most effectively. To make informed decisions, it is crucial to know how to reap maximum benefits and it can be done by hiring a team of software app developers or custom software development services.

software consulting services

Why does your business require a dedicated software development team?  

In the current scenario, every business face challenge of developing high-quality and user-friendly software. Some of them like healthcare software development, fintech software development, and software product engineering trend for hiring offshore development teams. In order to create high-quality software solutions, a company requires experienced and skilled developers. It is necessary to note that a dedicated development team or enterprise applications development team thinks out of the box to make extraordinary solutions within the specified time frame.  

A custom application development company and teams have the necessary skill set, and experience to fulfill a long–term complex project in the most effective manner. Let's have a look at some of the key points that indicates why you need a dedicated software development team:  

1. Lack of specific knowledge 

If your project requires specific expertise that is not available in-house then it is important to connect with a software development team. By connecting with an expert, you can save costs and complete projects faster. Furthermore, the hiring of a software development company has offered companies a competitive advantage and allows them to increase their market share in the most effective manner. As per the research, India remains one of the favorite destinations for hiring software development companies. The main reason is the low-cost and high-quality talent.

2. Cost of project

Companies face issues when they need new software or applications within a dedicated budget. By hiring a software development company, you can focus on other crucial things. The development team with a budget can handle everything related to software solutions development and app development with help of the experience and details as per the need of the project. With the help of a dedicated software and app development team, you can reduce costs and attain the desired results within no time.  

3. Project type 

It is necessary to identify the nature of the project and the deliverables that you need in the specified time frame. If your project is big and you do not have a workforce that possesses the necessary skills, then you must hire a software and app development company. Furthermore, a dedicated software development team will provide full assistance even after the research and development. By hiring a software development team, you do not have to worry about quality control or other things that may affect the final results. In this case, you must make sure that the team you hire will support you even after project completion.

What are the types of software development processes?  

To manage a project, the development team selects the best methodology. If the team does not select the right methodology, then it will affect the project delivery as well as the deployment process. It is important to note that there are different types of software development methodologies. All methodologies come with different strengths. Let's have a look at some of the most common software development methodologies:  

A. Agile development methodology 

It is crucial for companies to increase the level of speed and flexibility as the work becomes more unpredictable and volatile. Agile methodology is used by the software development team to reduce the risks of bugs, cost overruns, and many more.

Agile development methodology

Furthermore, this method can deal with the complexity and variability involved in project development. As per the study, the adoption of agile has increased from 37 percent to 87 percent. Harvard business research has also highlighted that 60 percent of companies have witnessed an increase in profits and revenue. Another important thing is that agile methodology put a major emphasis on client satisfaction. These teams increase client satisfaction by continuously delivering work, testing, and many more.

Agile is an iterative model where the team divides the tasks into short sprints which take 1 to 4 weeks. This model also focuses on communication between developers, customers, and users.

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B. DevOps deployment methodology 

DevOps services methodology increases the collaboration between software development and IT teams. With the help of this methodology, you can speed up the project implementation process in the most effective manner.

DevOps deployment methodology

The main aim of this approach is to enhance the quality of applications or software designed by a software app developer. Companies have realized that this methodology helps to improve and innovate software products.

Click here to check the Top 10 Trends of DevOps in 2023

C. Waterfall development model

The waterfall model of development is considered one of the oldest and most traditional software development methodologies. This model follows a linear sequential flow. In this model, you have to fully complete each phase and then move to the next phase. Also, it is not possible to go back to the previous phase.

waterfall development model

This method is highly popular because it is easy to understand. The waterfall model of development methodology saves time as all the phases are processed and completed in a given time frame.

D. Rapid application development 

Another popular model is rapid application development. The main aim of this model is to complete the project in a shorter period of time without affecting quality. Furthermore, this model includes four different phases such as requirement planning, user design, construction, and cutover. This model allows developers to quickly adjust to the changing business environment.

Rapid Application Development

As per Forbes, rapid application software is a smart, quick, and valuable approach for software developers. One of the major benefits of rapid application software is that it allows you to quickly measure the software development progress. With the help of this approach, you can reduce the software or mobile app development and launch time and get customer feedback in the most effective manner.

We have discussed some most common software development methodologies. It is crucial to know that each approach has its own strength and weakness. In order to select the right direction, you have to understand the requirements of your project. In addition, outsourcing helps you to take benefit of the knowledge, expertise, and experience possessed by the experts. There is no doubt that hiring a team of software and app developers has become highly popular in the past couple of years. Before you hire a software developer, you must know what benefits you must get to gain a competitive advantage.

Top benefits of hiring a software development team  

In this competitive environment, a business must know how to design high-quality products and increase customer satisfaction. Also, there is no scope for mistakes or any delay which may affect a company’s reputation. As we know that hiring a software and app development company can deal with all these issues. Let's have a look at some of the major benefits of hiring software engineering teams:   

a. Cost-effective  

One of the main benefits of hiring software developers is that it helps to cut costs. A company can save costs as you do not have to pay for training and onboarding and any other expenses. The team of experts will help you save time as well as cost. Furthermore, a team of dedicated solution experts will offer a high-quality product within no time. A survey also specified that 70% of companies focus on cost reduction at the time of hiring a software development team.

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b. Increased productivity  

In today's competitive environment, there is a need to develop a high-quality solution. You have to deliver high-quality results in order to stay ahead of your competitors. Furthermore, a dedicated development team works together to fulfill the goals. The team also makes sure to complete the project within the specified time frame. You can engage with them at each step to know the progress and give feedback to develop a high-quality solution.  

c. Complete control  

If you hire a software and app development team then you will have full control over the project. Furthermore, you can offer feedback at each step. The project managers, software developers, and application developers will consistently communicate with you to understand the project requirement and deliver high-quality results.  

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 d. Diverse expertise and skills  

Another important benefit of hiring a team of software developers is the expertise and skills that will allow you to design high-quality software. These teams have already worked on different types of projects. Hence the expertise and skills allow these experts to work on any type's project.  

e. Efficient project management 

A credible software development company does not just deliver your product but also collaborates with and manages each task efficiently with teams. Furthermore, the business analyst collects project requirements, study them in detail, prepares suggestions, and develops a document that specifies the scope of work. These teams also involve the clients in meetings to discuss crucial details and the progress of the project. In short, we can say that a dedicated software development team works efficiently to deliver exceptional results.  

We have discussed a few benefits of hiring software development teams. Apart from this, a software development team offers many more benefits like faster development, superior quality, and many more. If you want to get all these benefits then connect with us. We know that you must be quite aware of these benefits offered by the outsourced software development team. But sometimes companies do not majorly focus on the points that must be considered before giving a project to any outsourcing partner. If you choose the wrong outsourcing partner then you will face serious consequences. In order to save yourself from any trouble you have to ask a few questions and know every necessary detail about your outsourcing partner.  

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Things to consider before hiring a software development team  

In order to successfully hire a software development team, you have to consider a few parameters. The right partners will offer full assistance at each step. With the right partner, you can attain desired results within no time.   

i) Experience

When you hire a software development company you have to check whether the company holds relevant experience or not. There is a huge number of software development companies but few of them hold relevant experience. A highly experienced company can deliver high-quality results and guide you in the right direction.

ii) Client reviews and testimonials

You should also check the company’s official website in order to check client reviews. This will help you to understand service time, quality of final work, and information about experts as well.  

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iii) Communication ability

When you hire a software development company you should know how they will communicate project details with you. The company’s Communication mode must be strong as it will allow you to convey your thoughts in the most effective manner.  

iv) Integrity

The company you hire must take all the responsibility for managing the projects. Furthermore, you should also make sure that the company does not delegate any tasks to a third party.  

Apart from these points, you should also know about development fees, soft skills possessed by developers, troubleshooting capabilities, and many more. We know that hiring a software development company is a time taking task. You must do the necessary research to reap all the benefits. We know that there is a huge number of software development companies. Our team can give you the best guidance and support. We will also let you know what is best for your project.   

Click to check the Key Role of Software Development Services in Digital Transformation

Why choose Emorphis Technologies as your software development partner?  

hire software development team

After considering all the points we can say that a dedicated software development partner offers guidance, support, and experience. We also know that the right company can give undivided attention to your project. A credible and highly experienced software development company should be contacted if you want a high-quality project.

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You must have also understood that a dedicated software development team will save cost and time. The team will also make sure to give necessary updates about the project. If you have a challenging project and do not know where to start then you can reach out to us. Emorphis Technologies can become your software development partner. The company develops high-quality software for a huge number of clients. Our team will analyze your requirements and offer full assistance. With us, you can develop a high-quality product within no time.

Connect with us to check for more details on software development and application development projects.