

Ultimate Salesforce Implementation Guide

Ultimate Salesforce Implementation Guide: SFDC Process, Cost and Best Practices

Today, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve their operations, enhance customer relationships, and drive growth. However, many businesses face ...
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Salesforce Nonprofit AI Tools to Drive Mission, Innovation, Impact and Success

Salesforce Nonprofit AI Tools to Drive Mission, Innovation, Impact and Success

Imagine this: Your nonprofit is like a ship navigating through rough waters—donors changing course, unpredictable funding, and limited crew on ...
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Patient Engagement Solutions Technology empowers patients - Emorphis

Patient Engagement Solutions – Empowering Patients through Technology Innovations

Overview Patient engagement solutions are tools, technologies, and strategies that aim to involve patients in their own care and improve ...
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Top Trending Mobile Health Apps Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery

Overview As per the data, the global mhealth market is valued at US$ 54.25 billion in 2021. It is expected ...
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How Neobanks Are Transforming Banking With Technology - Emorphis Technologies

The Rise of Neobanks – Revolutionizing Banking Through Technology

Introduction In recent years, the financial services landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the emergence of neobanks. Moreover, challenges ...
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A Comprehensive Guide To Digital Wallet App Development - Emorphis Technologies

A Comprehensive Guide To Digital Wallet App Development

Highlights of the Guide to Digital Wallet App Development The fundamental concepts and strategies behind digital wallet app development.The process ...
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Choosing the right Enterprise Mobility solution for your Business

What is EMM? What do you mean by BYOD and CYOD? What is the difference between MDM, MAM and...

Dec 13 · 1 min read >

How Mobile Apps Can Connect Doctors and Patients

Healthcare app development is the domain imparted with incredible innovations and discoveries. Mobile applications have shaped our lives in...

Nov 30 · 4 min read >

Personalized Offshore Development(POD)

In this long year of journey we have made several Software Products, done Testing-QA, built Enterprise Mobile Application Design...

Introduction to Node.Js

What is Node.Js? A JavaScript run time environment running Google Chrome Js V8 engine a.k.a. server-side solution for JS Compiles JS, making it really fast Runs over the command line Designed for high concurrency Without threads or new processes Never blocks, not even for I/O Uses the CommonJs framework Making it a little closer to a real object-oriented language Why Node.Js? Non Blocking I/O V8 Javascript Engine Single Thread with Event Loop 40,025 modules...

The Blockchain Revolution in the Fintech

The technology most likely to change the next decade of business and will also be helpful in improving the...

Aug 17 · 1 min read >

Significance of EHR Systems in eHealth Technologies

Modern medical systems are nowadays based on the easy access and real-time processing of a great amount of data...

Feb 28 · 4 min read >

The Power Behind Hadoop Technology and Advanced Data Analytics

It is undeniable that a massive amount of data can be stored in Apache Hadoop. However, when it comes...

Our Healthcare Portfolio

The primary focus of a hospital or health system is on providing the best possible care for patients while...

Oct 30 · 1 min read >

Smartphone = Smart Healthcare

Future of Healthcare: Apps that make people care about health According to leading research reports more people reportedly have...

Sep 24 · 1 min read >

Integration of “Oracle 11G R2” with “Node.js” in Ubuntu

Node.js and oracle database are very powerful tool for the development of any dependent system, But to provide incorporation...