

Offshoring, Inshoring, Outsourcing, and Nearshoring – All Explained

Getting the most out of IT has shifted to the top of every corporate agenda. Moreover, large, global companies...

Healthcare Software Solution – A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction The inclination towards a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing combined with monitoring also, guidance with the help of tech...

Oct 21 · 7 min read >

Angular Vs React: How to know Which Technology is Better for your Project

If you are anywhere near the development world, you know how big the question of Angular vs is React....

13 Principles to Protect Patient Data

Patient Information is essential in health care entities; for identifying, diagnosing and treating individuals. Without personal health advice and...

Apr 15 · 6 min read >

Top 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Healthcare

As per the growth rate of current technology, the day is not far, when machines and computers will be...

Benefits of Healthcare Software Development Services through Enterprise mobility

Mobile technology like wireless sensors and cell phones are increasingly being used to access & gather health information quickly...

Jan 18 · 2 min read >

How Mobile Apps Can Connect Doctors and Patients

Healthcare app development is the domain imparted with incredible innovations and discoveries. Mobile applications have shaped our lives in...

Nov 30 · 4 min read >

Personalized Offshore Development(POD)

In this long year of journey we have made several Software Products, done Testing-QA, built Enterprise Mobile Application Design...

Introduction to Node.Js

What is Node.Js? A JavaScript run time environment running Google Chrome Js V8 engine a.k.a. server-side solution for JS Compiles JS, making it really fast Runs over the command line Designed for high concurrency Without threads or new processes Never blocks, not even for I/O Uses the CommonJs framework Making it a little closer to a real object-oriented language Why Node.Js? Non Blocking I/O V8 Javascript Engine Single Thread with Event Loop 40,025 modules...

Significance of EHR Systems in eHealth Technologies

Modern medical systems are nowadays based on the easy access and real-time processing of a great amount of data...

Feb 28 · 4 min read >